Discord Members
Technical Articles
Bootcamp Registrations
Graduations in Bootcamps
Videos on Youtube
To connect to the WEB3DEV server and start interacting with the community, you need to have a Discord account. If you haven't already, click [here] to create your account. If you are already registered, click [this link] to access our server. You'll have immediate access to all channels after onboarding and verification.click here to download the app and create your account. If you are already registered, click here to access our server. You'll have immediate access to all channels after onboarding and verification.
To learn about our Study Groups, visit to see the active classes. On Discord, access the “choose your group” channel to grant access to the group you want and receive notifications about upcoming meetings.
Study Groups are 100% open to any member of the community. It is important for everyone to assess their own level of knowledge. Leaders often prepare quizzes for students to test what they have learned, in addition to indicating materials that help level knowledge. We offer an inclusive environment with groups at all levels to meet various technical learning needs. We value self-teaching and free learning to boost existing classes.
Access the build.w3d.community learning platform, create your account, and sign up for free access to Builds. First, choose a project that aligns with your interests and abilities. Complete the lessons, share your progress on Discord, and ask questions with other members. When you finish the project, you get an exclusive NFT from WEB3DEV. Do you need help? Contact us by email contact@w3d.community
You'll have access to an exclusive Discord channel with other developers and will be supported by monitors and moderators. Lessons are asynchronous, allowing you to complete them at your own pace. When finished, you earn an NFT certification and will be recognized as a graduate member and can participate in other community projects and programs, such as monitoring and mentoring.
Web3nar is our series of educational webinars, where experts share their knowledge on current blockchain topics. Watch all the recordings on the Web3nars playlist on YouTube.
Papo Web3 is an informal chat where the community discusses careers, projects, and news on Web3. The meetings are on Discord and any member can participate, asking questions or sharing their experiences. It's a space to meet people and network.
The Melk DAO is a “Learn to Earn” initiative, where you learn about blockchain and cryptocurrencies while earning tokens by completing educational missions and activities. In addition to learning how to create your wallet and move tokens, you can ask questions and receive support for each mission.
Publishing articles allows you to share knowledge, build your reputation in Web3, and contribute to community education. It's a great way to document your progress and specialize. We have our own websites for technical articles in Portuguese and Spanish, and we will soon release an English version.